full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Vaitea Cowan: How green hydrogen could end the fossil fuel era

Unscramble the Blue Letters

We won't be able to electrify all of our sectors. And here's why. Let's start with an example from the industrial stcoer. Molecules create the reaction, not electrons. To make steel the old way we first mine iron ore, then burn coal to rvoeme the ogxeyn from the iron mix. Seven to nine percent of our world's CO2 emissions come from this process. It's the coal that provides the molecule, creating the reaction to get rid of the oxygen. Electrons can't do that. But what they can do is power the device that creates green hydrogen. And this clean molecule will create the reaction, attract the oxygen and emit only water in the process. So by changing the process, we can emilinate up to 95 pcreent of our CO2 emissions. And today, major European setel metaacrrunufs are already building geern hydrogen-based steel production processes.

Open Cloze

We won't be able to electrify all of our sectors. And here's why. Let's start with an example from the industrial ______. Molecules create the reaction, not electrons. To make steel the old way we first mine iron ore, then burn coal to ______ the ______ from the iron mix. Seven to nine percent of our world's CO2 emissions come from this process. It's the coal that provides the molecule, creating the reaction to get rid of the oxygen. Electrons can't do that. But what they can do is power the device that creates green hydrogen. And this clean molecule will create the reaction, attract the oxygen and emit only water in the process. So by changing the process, we can _________ up to 95 _______ of our CO2 emissions. And today, major European _____ _____________ are already building _____ hydrogen-based steel production processes.


  1. green
  2. manufacturers
  3. sector
  4. steel
  5. remove
  6. oxygen
  7. eliminate
  8. percent

Original Text

We won't be able to electrify all of our sectors. And here's why. Let's start with an example from the industrial sector. Molecules create the reaction, not electrons. To make steel the old way we first mine iron ore, then burn coal to remove the oxygen from the iron mix. Seven to nine percent of our world's CO2 emissions come from this process. It's the coal that provides the molecule, creating the reaction to get rid of the oxygen. Electrons can't do that. But what they can do is power the device that creates green hydrogen. And this clean molecule will create the reaction, attract the oxygen and emit only water in the process. So by changing the process, we can eliminate up to 95 percent of our CO2 emissions. And today, major European steel manufacturers are already building green hydrogen-based steel production processes.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
green hydrogen 17
fossil fuels 5
green electricity 3
climate change 2
renewable electricity 2
clean molecule 2
making green 2
fuel source 2
mass production 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
making green hydrogen 2

Important Words

  1. attract
  2. building
  3. burn
  4. changing
  5. clean
  6. coal
  7. create
  8. creates
  9. creating
  10. device
  11. electrify
  12. electrons
  13. eliminate
  14. emissions
  15. emit
  16. european
  17. green
  18. hydrogen
  19. industrial
  20. iron
  21. major
  22. manufacturers
  23. mix
  24. molecule
  25. molecules
  26. ore
  27. oxygen
  28. percent
  29. power
  30. process
  31. processes
  32. production
  33. reaction
  34. remove
  35. rid
  36. sector
  37. sectors
  38. start
  39. steel
  40. today
  41. water